From The Warwick Boar -
Under the glare of television cameras, General Gowon, ex-head of state of Nigeria stole the limelight at the first union meeting of term last Wednesday.
After calling the meeting to "Order!" 40-year-old Yakubu Gowon took the platform and delivered a short speech of thanks:
"I would like to say a big thank-you for summoning me into your midst. I have come here not to create a lot of trouble to you.
"I want to be an ordinary student."
Uproar arose when a motion "condemning" the ex-general's arrival at the university was quashed.
In an emotional speech Deputy President Pete Walter declared: "I don't think this is the right time or place to attack General Gowon." It was agreed that the motion "be not put".
In the confusion that followed, a motion "embargoing" the press was passed enthusiastically after one no-confidencing the Deputy Chairman, Rob Campbell was narrowly defeated.
The original motion, brought by IS members Donny Gluckstein and N. Clarke, read: "This Union condemns the invitation of General Gowon to this university.
"Though sympathising with the fate of the un-employed, we fail to see why we should be burdened with out-of-work British puppets such as him." It went on to contrast the ex-general's condition with that of many overseas students whose fees have recently more than doubled.
Gowon, who has attended his first lectures as a first-year Politics student, is at the moment living in Leamington."
© Adeyinka Makinde (2022).
Adeyinka Makinde is a writer based in London, England.