Wednesday 16 October 2024

General Sir Mike Jackson (1944-2024)

Mike Jackson as a general (top) when he was the Chief of General Staff (CGS), and below as a captain of the Parachute Regiment while he was on duty in Northern Ireland in the early 1970s.

Known to many under his command as "Darth Vadar" and "The Prince of Darkness", General Sir Mike Jackson the British Army officer who rose to the position of the Chief of the General Staff (CGS) has died aged 80.

Jackson's eventful career took him to theatres such as Northern Ireland, Kosovo and Iraq.

Reviled by republican militants during "The Troubles" in Northern Ireland, Jackson is famous for disobeying an order from U.S. General Wesley Clark, the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), during the Kosovo War in 1999.

Fearing that Clark's order would result in clashes with Russian peacekeeping troops, the then Lieutenant General Jackson reputedly told Clark:

"Sir, I'm not going to start the Third World War for you".

Clark was later removed from his position by President Bill Clinton.

© Adeyinka Makinde

Adeyinka Makinde is a writer based in London, England.


Daily Telegraph – “General Sir Mike Jackson, redoubtable former head of the British Army” – obituary

Financial Times – “General Sir Michael Jackson, 1944-2024: Celebrated British soldier with varied and illustrious military career famed for clash with his Nato commander


General Mike Jackson speaking about the role of the MRF, the covert British Army counter-insurgency force, in the BBC Panorama programme titled “Britain’s Secret Terror Force” which was broadcast in November 2013:

Saturday 5 October 2024

Adeyinka Makinde with Steve Mulindwa at the Satellite Television Launch of Omega TV UK

Posing with Steve Mulindwa, the Ugandan presenter of Omega TV UK's "Africa Speaks", at the Satellite Television Launch held at the Bernie Grant Arts Centre, Tottenham Green, London on Saturday, September 21st, 2024.

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Mussolini's Eve of War Speech Prior to Fascist Italy's invasion of Ethiopia

War poster of Italian Fascist leader Mussolini (circa 1930). Printer: Cesare Capello.

October 2nd, 1935, Rome, Italy.

"Blackshirts of revolution, men and women of all Italy, Italians all over the world, beyond the mountains, beyond the seas, listen. A solemn hour is about to strike in the history of the country. Twenty million Italians are at this moment gathered in the squares of all Italy. It is the greatest demonstration that human history records. Twenty millions, one heart alone, one will alone, one decision.

This manifestation signIfies that the tie between Italy and fascism is perfect, absolute, unalterable. Only brains softened by puerile illusions, by sheer ignorance, can think differently, because they do not know what exactly is the Fascist Italy of 1935.

For many months the wheel of destiny and of the impulse of our calm determination moves toward the goal. In these last hours the rhythm has increased and nothing can stop it now.

It is not only an army marching towards its goal, but it is forty-four million Italians marching in unity behind this army. Because the blackest of injustices is being attempted against them, that of taking from them their place in the sun. When in 1915 Italy threw in her fate with that of the Allies, how many cries of admiration, how many promises were heard? But after the common victory, which cost Italy six hundred thousand dead, four hundred thousand lost, one million wounded, when peace was being discussed around the table only the crumbs of a rich colonial booty were left for us to pick up. For thirteen years we have been patient while the circle tightened around us at the hands of those who wish to suffocate us.

We have been patient with Ethiopia for forty years. It is enough now.

The League of Nations, instead of recognizing the rights of Italy, dares talk of sanctions, but until there is proof of the contrary, I refuse to believe that the authentic people of France will join in supporting sanctions against Italy. Six hundred thousand dead whose devotion was so heroic that the enemy commander justly admired them—those fallen would now turn in their graves.

And until there is proof to the contrary, I refuse to believe that the authentic people of Britain will want to spill blood and send Europe into a catastrophe for the sake of a barbarian country, unworthy of ranking among civilized nations. Nevertheless, we cannot afford to overlook the possible developments of tomorrow.

To economic sanctions, we shall answer with our discipline, our spirit of sacrifice, our obedience. To military sanctions, we shall answer with military measures. To acts of war, we shall answer with acts of war.

A people worthy of their past and their name cannot and never will take a different stand. Let me repeat, in the most categorical manner, that the sacred pledge which I make at this moment, before all the Italians gathered together today, is that I shall do everything in my power to prevent a colonial conflict from taking on the aspect and weight of a European war.

This conflict may be attractive to certain minds which hope to avenge their disintegrated temples through this new catastrophe. Never, as at this historical hour, have the people of Italy revealed such force of character, and it is against this people to which mankind owes its greatest conquest, this people of heroes, of poets and saints, of navigators, of colonizers, that the world dares threaten sanctions.

Italy! Italy! Entirely and universally Fascist! The Italy of the blackshirt revolution, rise to your feet; let the cry of your determination rise to the skies and reach our soldiers in East Africa. Let it be a comfort to those who are about to fight. Let it be an encouragement to our friends and a warning to our enemies. It is the cry of Italy which goes beyond the mountains and the seas out into the great world. It is the cry of justice and of victory."

Source of Transcript: History Central dot Com.

Sunday 29 September 2024

Francis Nyangweso: Soldier, Boxer, Sports Administrator

Francis Nyangweso, then a colonel, photographed on Wednesday, February 28th, 1973. Photo credit: Camerapix.

Francis Nyangweso was a talented boxer who was a long-term amateur national and East African Champion. In 1960, he represented Uganda at the Rome Olympics, where he failed to medal. However, he won a bronze medal in the light middleweight division at the Commonwealth Games in Perth in 1962 and a gold at the Hapoel Games in Israel a year earlier.

Trained at Sandhurst Royal Military Academy, Nyangweso rose up the ranks of the Ugandan Army and was appointed the Chairman of the National Council of Sports after Amin seized power in a coup d'etat in January 1971. That year, he was made the acting Brigade Commander of the 1st Infantry Brigade at Masaka before his appointment as Acting Army Commander in 1972.

He later became the Army Chief of Staff and the Minister of Defence. He left the Ugandan Army as a Major General.

After his army career, Nyangweso was involved in sports administration, becoming the president of the Ugandan Olympic Committee and a member of the International Olympic Committee. His hold on the Ugandan Olympic Committee lasted for 29 years after which he was unceremoniously edged out of power. Nyangweso received unwelcome publicity when a BBC investigation revealed that he was one of two African delegates who had been induced to back the 2000 Sydney Games at the expense of Beijing. He was exonerated after an investigation.

He died of complications related to diabetes, an ailment which affected his eyesight.

His life may have had a considerably shorter span.

On October 14th, 1974, Nyangweso was summoned to State House by General Amin who challenged him to a six-round boxing contest. Amin began in aggressive mode and succeeded in cutting Nyangweso who retaliated by knocking Amin off-balance with a right hook. Amin, who was a long-term light heavyweight champion of Uganda, responded with vicious body attacks.

Nyangweso, who had initially thought of the contest as a joke, began to use his footwork, moving and shifting his bodyweight as he angled his shots at Amin. Nyangweso's wife appeared to be gripped with fear as her husband employed his skills to give Amin what witnesses to this extraordinary encounter recall as a thorough beating.

"We thought that was the end of Nyangweso's life, everybody feared for his life," Thomas Kawere, a boxing coach related at Nyangweso's burial.

But instead of earning Nyangweso a death sentence, the contest brought both men closer. Aside from his military appointments, Amin made him the Minister of Culture and Community Development. In fact, he became the de facto President of Uganda for a fortnight in 1975 while Amin was on holiday.

His rise was however halted by the politics of the time. A Christian from the eastern part of Uganda, Nyangweso fell out of favour as Amin increasingly relied on his kinsmen to remain in power. His "fate" was a remarkably soft one as he was handed an ambassadorial post to the Central African Republic.

Nyangweso was, if anything, a survivor.

© Adeyinka Makinde (2020).

Adeyinka Makinde is a writer based in London, England, He is the author of Dick Tiger: The Life and Times of a Boxing Immortal.

Thursday 19 September 2024

September 19th, 1945: The controversial finding of guilt and sentencing to death of William Joyce whose propaganda broadcasts from Nazi Germany earned him the nickname "Lord Haw Haw"

Photo of William Joyce when he was a member of the British Union of Fascists.

William Joyce, a former member of Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists, had been charged under the ancient English law of ‘Giving aid and comfort to the King’s enemies’. He had also assisted Germany "in her war against our country and our King".

The prosecution argued that he committed the relevant offences between September 19th, 1939 and July 2nd, 1940 when he was in possession of a British passport before he became a naturalised German citizen.

A jury of 10 men and 2 women found him guilty at the Old Bailey.

However, many have argued that he was unjustly convicted in a show trial by a vengeful British establishment.

1. Joyce, who was Irish, had been born in the United States.

2. The British passport which he had applied for and used in the 1930s had been acquired fraudulently.

Joyce was hanged at Wandsworth Prison on January 3rd, 1946. 

He was 39 years old.

© Adeyinka Makinde (2024).

Adeyinka Makinde is a writer based in London, England.

Sunday 15 September 2024

The Hanging of Mossad Agent Eli Cohen

The lifeless body of Eli Cohen dangles at Marjeh Square (Martyrs Square) in the Syrian capital Damascus on Tuesday, May 18th, 1965.

About the inscription pinned onto Eli Cohen's execution shroud:

'Colonel Dalli then attached to the white sackcloth shroud a large placard, the invariable last act of a Syrian execution. On it was written, in Arabic script, the sentence of the Military Court. It read:

Eliahu Ben-Shaul Cohen was sentenced to death in the name of the Arab people of Syria, having been found guilty of penetrating into a military sector and communicating secret information to the enemy".'

- "The Final Night”, pp 5-6 Chapter 1 of The Spy From Israel by Ben Dan, published by Vallentine, Mitchell & Co. Ltd, 1969.

Forty-year-old Cohen had posed as a returnee Syrian businessman from Argentina named "Kamel Amin Thaabet". He managed to penetrate the highest echelons of the Syrian political and military establishment, including becoming the Chief Adviser to the Syrian Minister of Defence.

He was caught by Soviet-made tracking equipment which enabled Syrian counterintelligence to locate the source of coded transmissions to Israeli intelligence.

He was tried by a special military tribunal and condemned to death on May 8th, 1965. Pleas for clemency from world leaders were ignored by the Syrian military government who proceeded to hang him at Marjeh Square (Martyrs Square) in Damascus

Efforts by Cohen's family to have his remains repatriated to Israel have so far been unsuccessful.

© Adeyinka Makinde (2024).

Adeyinka Makinde is a writer based in London, England.

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Operation Northwoods: A Planned False Flag Operation Designed To Provide The United States With An Excuse To Invade Cuba

Operation Northwoods involved U.S. intelligence staging False Flag incidents involving the hijacking of planes, the blowing up of ships and the shooting to death of innocent civilians on the American mainland which would be falsely attributed to Cubans operating on behalf of the Castro government.

The public outrage would then provide a justification for invading Cuba and overthrowing Fidel Castro.

Operation Northwoods was approved in 1962 by General Lyman Lemnitzer when he was the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but was rejected by the Secretary of Defence, Robert McNamara under the instruction of President John F. Kennedy.

It is not known who designed the Northwoods project, but many are almost certain that the architect was Air Force Brigadier-General (later Major General) Edward Lansdale. Lansdale, a specialist in unorthodox warfare, had been working at that time on Operation Mongoose, an overarching plan to assassinate Fidel Castro, the Cuban leader.


1. Document.

Operation Northwoods was signed off by General Lyman Lemnitzer, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

2. Top right.

Lyman Lemnitzer, the Four Star General who approved of Operation Northwoods.

3. Bottom right.

Major General Edward Lansdale shortly before his retirement from the United States Air Force.

(c) Adeyinka Makinde (2023).

Adeyinka Makinde is a writer based in London, England.